
Ruby Interview Questions

Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language known for its simplicity and productivity. It was designed by Yukihiro Matsumoto, also known as Matz, with the goal of enhancing developer happiness and ease of use. Ruby has an elegant syntax that emphasizes readability and is often praised for its expressiveness, allowing developers to write code in a more natural and human-like manner. It supports both procedural and functional programming paradigms and features automatic memory management, making it more accessible for programmers.

One of Ruby’s key strengths is its flexibility and versatility, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from web development to scripting and automation. The Ruby on Rails framework, built using the Ruby language, is particularly popular for developing web applications due to its emphasis on convention over configuration and rapid development principles.

Ruby Interview Questions For Freshers

1. What is Ruby?

Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language designed for simplicity and productivity. Example:

# Define a class named Person
class Person
  # Constructor method to initialize a person's name
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  # Method to greet the person
  def greet
    puts "Hello, #{@name}!"

# Create a new instance of the Person class
person ="Alice")

# Call the greet method on the person instance

2. Explain the difference between Ruby and Ruby on Rails?

Ruby is a general-purpose programming language.It can be used for various types of software development, not just web development.Ruby is the foundation for building applications in different domains.

Ruby on Rails is a web application framework built on top of the Ruby language.It is specifically designed for web development, emphasizing convention over configuration and providing a set of tools to streamline the development process.Rails follows the MVC architecture and includes features such as an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), routing, and scaffolding.

# Ruby on Rails code (within a Rails application)

# Define a model (Person)
class Person < ApplicationRecord

# Create a migration to add a 'name' column to the 'people' table
# (Run 'rails generate migration AddNameToPeople name:string' and then 'rails db:migrate')

# Controller for handling requests related to people
class PeopleController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @people = Person.all

# View (index.html.erb) for displaying a list of people
# (Accessing @people array populated by the controller)
<% @people.each do |person| %>
  <p><%= "Hello, #{}!" %></p>
<% end %>

3. What is the significance of Gems in Ruby?

Gems are packages or libraries in Ruby that provide reusable code, making it easy to share and use external functionalities in your projects.

4. What is the purpose of the ‘yield’ keyword in Ruby?

‘yield’ is used to transfer control from a method back to the block that was provided to it.

5. Explain the concept of Symbol in Ruby?

Symbols are lightweight, immutable objects often used as identifiers or labels in Ruby. They improve performance and memory usage.

6. Differentiate between ‘puts,’ ‘print,’ and ‘p’ in Ruby?

‘puts’ adds a newline after output, ‘print’ does not, and ‘p’ displays more information, including data type.

7. What is the purpose of the ‘attr_accessor’ in a Ruby class?

‘attr_accessor’ creates getter and setter methods for class attributes, reducing the need for boilerplate code.

8. Describe the concept of Metaprogramming in Ruby?

Metaprogramming involves writing code that writes or modifies other code during runtime. Ruby supports this through its dynamic nature.

9. How does Ruby handle exceptions?

Ruby uses ‘begin,’ ‘rescue,’ and ‘ensure’ blocks for exception handling. Exceptions are raised with ‘raise’ and caught with ‘rescue.’

10. Explain the concept of a Module in Ruby?

Modules are a way to encapsulate methods, constants, and classes in Ruby, promoting code organization and reusability.

11. What is the ‘nil’ value in Ruby?

‘nil’ is Ruby’s representation of the absence of a value or a null value.

12. How does Ruby implement multiple inheritance?

Ruby uses modules to achieve a form of multiple inheritance, allowing a class to include multiple modules.

13. Describe the ‘each’ method in Ruby?

‘each’ is an iterator method in Ruby used to iterate over elements of an enumerable object, like an array or hash.

14. What is a Block in Ruby?

A block is a chunk of code enclosed within curly braces or ‘do’-‘end,’ often used with methods to provide context-specific behavior.

15. Explain the difference between ‘&&’ and ‘and’ in Ruby?

&& has higher precedence than and. It is often used when you want to combine two conditions and ensure they both evaluate to true for the overall expression to be true.

condition1 = true
condition2 = false

result = condition1 && condition2
puts result

and has lower precedence than &&. It is used when you want to express conditions more fluently but be aware that it has a lower precedence, so it might lead to unexpected behavior if not used carefully.

condition1 = true
condition2 = false

result = condition1 and condition2
puts result

16. What is the purpose of the ‘super’ keyword in Ruby?

‘super’ is used to invoke the method in the parent class with the same name as the one in the subclass.

17. How does garbage collection work in Ruby?

Ruby employs automatic garbage collection to reclaim memory occupied by objects that are no longer referenced.

18. What is the role of the ‘self’ keyword in Ruby?

‘self’ refers to the current object and is used to access or modify the object’s attributes and methods within its own scope.

19. What is a Hash in Ruby?

A Hash is a data structure that stores key-value pairs, providing efficient data retrieval based on the key.

20. Explain the ‘case’ statement in Ruby?

‘case’ is a control flow structure used for multiple conditional checks in a more readable and concise manner than nested ‘if’ statements.

21. How do you define a class in Ruby?

Class definitions start with the ‘class’ keyword, followed by the class name. Methods and attributes are then defined within the class body.

22. Describe the ‘unless’ statement in Ruby?

‘unless’ is a conditional statement that executes a block of code if the specified condition is false.

23. What is the purpose of the ‘include’ keyword in Ruby?

‘include’ is used to mix modules into a class, allowing the class to inherit the behaviors defined in the module.

# Define a module named Greeting
module Greeting
  def say_hello
    puts "Hello!"

# Define a class named Person
class Person
  # Include the Greeting module
  include Greeting

  def introduce(name)
    puts "I am #{name}."

# Create an instance of the Person class
person =

# Call methods from both the class and the included module

24. How does Ruby support duck typing?

Duck typing allows objects to be used based on their behavior rather than their type. Ruby relies on this principle, making it dynamically typed.

25. What is the purpose of the ‘singleton class’ in Ruby?

The singleton class is a unique class associated with a single object, used to define methods that only apply to that specific instance.

26. Explain the concept of ‘RubyGems.’?

RubyGems is a package manager for Ruby that simplifies the distribution and installation of Ruby libraries and applications.

27. What is the ‘retry’ keyword used for in Ruby?

‘retry’ is used to re-run a block of code within a ‘begin’-‘rescue’ block, restarting from the beginning of the block.

28. Describe the ‘String interpolation’ feature in Ruby?

String interpolation allows embedding expressions within strings, usually achieved by using the ‘#{}’ syntax.

29. How can you handle file I/O in Ruby?

Ruby provides methods like ‘,’ ‘read,’ ‘write,’ and ‘close’ for handling file input and output operations.

30. What are Ruby Blocks and Procs?

Blocks are chunks of code passed to methods, often enclosed in ‘do’-‘end’ or curly braces. Procs are objects that encapsulate blocks and can be stored in variables for later execution. They provide a way to create reusable blocks of code.

Ruby Interview Questions For Developers

1. Explain the concept of metaclasses in Ruby?

Metaclasses are classes that define the behavior of other classes. In Ruby, each object has its metaclass, allowing dynamic modification of an object’s behavior.

2. How does Ruby implement garbage collection, and what are some strategies for optimizing it?

Ruby uses a garbage collector to reclaim memory. Strategies for optimization include minimizing object creation, avoiding circular references, and understanding the impact of different garbage collection algorithms.

3. What are Ruby Gems, and how do you use them in a project?

Ruby Gems are packages or libraries that simplify code distribution. They are managed with the ‘gem’ command, and you can include them in a project by adding them to the Gemfile and running ‘bundle install.’

4. Explain the concept of ‘duck typing’ in Ruby?

Duck typing allows objects to be used based on their behavior rather than their class or type. If an object quacks like a duck, it’s treated as a duck.

5. How does method_missing work in Ruby?

method_missing is invoked when a method is called that is not defined in an object’s class. It can be used for dynamic method dispatch or handling undefined method calls.

6. What is the purpose of the ‘protected’ keyword in Ruby?

The ‘protected’ keyword in Ruby denotes that a method can be called within the defining class and its subclasses but not from outside.

class Person
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  def compare_name(other_person)
    # Access the protected method within the same class or subclass
    if name ==
      puts "#{@name} and #{} have the same name!"
      puts "#{@name} and #{} have different names."


  def name

class Employee < Person
  def initialize(name, employee_id)
    @employee_id = employee_id

  def introduce
    puts "#{@name}, Employee ID: #{@employee_id}"

# Create instances of Person and Employee
person1 ="Alice")
person2 ="Bob")
employee ="Alice", "E123")

# Call the compare_name method (which accesses the protected method)
person1.compare_name(person2)  # Output: Alice and Bob have different names.
employee.compare_name(person1)  # Output: Alice and Alice have the same name!

# Call the introduce method (from the Employee class)
employee.introduce  # Output: Alice, Employee ID: E123

7. Explain the difference between ‘require’ and ‘load’ in Ruby?

require is used to load a Ruby file (with a .rb extension) or a precompiled extension (like a C extension) into your program. It ensures that the file is only loaded once, and subsequent attempts to require the same file will be ignored.It is commonly used for including libraries and modules.

# Example using require
require 'date'

today =
puts today

load is used to execute a Ruby file every time it is called. Unlike require, load doesn’t keep track of whether the file has been loaded before, and it will reload the file on each invocation.It is useful when you want to dynamically reload a file during the execution of your program.

# Example using load
load 'example_file.rb'

8. How do you implement multithreading in Ruby, and what is the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)?

Ruby has a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) that allows only one thread to execute at a time. While Ruby supports threads, the GIL limits their effectiveness for concurrent execution of multiple CPU-bound tasks.

9. Describe the purpose of the ‘singleton_method_added’ hook in Ruby?

singleton_method_added is a callback method invoked whenever a singleton method is added to an object, providing an opportunity for custom actions when methods are dynamically defined.

10. What is memoization, and how can it be implemented in Ruby?

Memoization is a technique to cache the results of expensive method calls to improve performance. In Ruby, it can be implemented using instance variables or the ‘Memoist’ gem.

11. How does Ruby handle method overloading?

Ruby does not support method overloading in the traditional sense, but methods can be defined with default values for parameters to achieve similar functionality.

12. What is the purpose of the ‘Comparable’ module in Ruby?

The ‘Comparable’ module provides methods like ‘<‘, ‘>’, and ‘==’ that can be included in a class to enable comparisons between objects of that class.

13. Explain the use of the ‘yield_self’ method in Ruby?

‘yield_self’ is a method that yields the object it’s called on to a block, allowing for a more functional programming style by chaining method calls.

# Example without yield_self
name = "John"
uppercase_name = name.upcase
greet_message = "Hello, #{uppercase_name}!"

puts greet_message

14. What are Ruby Symbols, and how are they different from Strings?

Symbols are immutable and unique identifiers in Ruby, often used as keys in hash tables. They consume less memory than strings and are more efficient for certain operations.

15. Describe the purpose of the ‘Module#included’ callback in Ruby?

The ‘included’ callback is called when a module is included in another module or class, providing an opportunity to execute code during the inclusion process.

16. How do you implement a Singleton pattern in Ruby?

A Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. In Ruby, it can be implemented using the ‘Singleton’ module or by defining a class method to manage the instance.

17. Explain the ‘respond_to?’ method in Ruby?

‘respond_to?’ is a method that checks whether an object responds to a given method. It is often used to avoid calling methods that may not be defined for a particular object.

18. What is the purpose of the ‘prepend’ method in Ruby modules?

The ‘prepend’ method is used to insert a module’s methods before the methods of the class itself in the method lookup chain, providing a way to override class methods dynamically.

19. How does Ruby support operator overloading?

Ruby allows customizing the behavior of operators by defining corresponding methods in a class (e.g., ‘+’ by defining the ‘add’ method).

20. Explain the use of the ‘tap’ method in Ruby?

‘tap’ is a method that yields the object to a block and then returns the object itself. It is often used for debugging or modifying an object in a method chain.

21. What are Ruby Mixins, and how are they implemented?

Mixins are a way to share functionality between classes. In Ruby, they are implemented using modules. Classes include the module, gaining access to its methods.

22. Describe the purpose of the ‘before_validation’ callback in Ruby on Rails?

In Rails, ‘before_validation’ is a callback invoked before a model is validated, often used to perform data preprocessing or set default values.

23. How does Ruby handle memory management, and what is the role of the garbage collector?

Ruby employs automatic memory management, and the garbage collector is responsible for reclaiming memory occupied by objects that are no longer reachable.

24. What is the purpose of the ‘find_by’ method in Ruby on Rails?

‘find_by’ is a method in ActiveRecord (Rails) that allows querying a database for a record based on specified conditions, returning the first matching record.

25. How do you handle exceptions in Ruby, and what is the purpose of the ‘ensure’ block?

Exceptions are handled using ‘begin,’ ‘rescue,’ and ‘ensure’ blocks. The ‘ensure’ block ensures that code within it is executed regardless of whether an exception is raised.

26. Explain the concept of ‘shallow copy’ and ‘deep copy’ in Ruby?

A shallow copy creates a new object but does not duplicate the internal objects within the original object. The copy contains references to the same internal objects as the original. In Ruby, you can use the dup method for creating a shallow copy of an object.

original_array = [1, [2, 3], 4]
shallow_copy = original_array.dup

# Modifying the shallow copy affects the original array
shallow_copy[1][0] = "modified"
puts original_array.inspect  # Output: [1, ["modified", 3], 4]

A deep copy creates a new object and recursively duplicates all internal objects within the original object. The copy is independent of the original, and changes to one do not affect the other. In Ruby, achieving a deep copy often requires external libraries like Marshal or deep_cloneable.

require 'deep_clone'

original_array = [1, [2, 3], 4]
deep_copy = original_array.deep_clone

# Modifying the deep copy does not affect the original array
deep_copy[1][0] = "modified"
puts original_array.inspect  # Output: [1, [2, 3], 4]

27. How can you secure sensitive information, such as API keys, in a Ruby on Rails application?

Sensitive information can be secured using environment variables, configuration files, or tools like ‘dotenv’ to manage environment-specific configurations.

28. What is the purpose of the ‘scope’ method in Ruby on Rails models?

The ‘scope’ method in Rails is used to define named scopes for querying the database, providing a cleaner and more readable way to express queries.

29. Describe the purpose of the ‘concerns’ directory in a Ruby on Rails application?

The ‘concerns’ directory is used to store modules that encapsulate shared behavior, promoting code reuse and maintainability in Rails applications.

30. How can you optimize performance in a Ruby on Rails application?

Performance optimization strategies in Rails include caching, database indexing, minimizing database queries, using background jobs, and profiling code to identify bottlenecks.

Key Aspects and Features of Ruby

  1. Philosophy: Matz designed Ruby with the principle of “optimizing developer happiness.” The language prioritizes readability and ease of use, aiming to make programming enjoyable and productive.
  2. Syntax: Ruby has a clean and expressive syntax that emphasizes readability. It draws inspiration from several programming languages, including Perl and Smalltalk, and features dynamic typing.
  3. Object-Oriented: Everything in Ruby is an object, including numbers and classes. Object-oriented programming principles, such as encapsulation and inheritance, are fundamental to Ruby’s design.
  4. Dynamic Typing: Ruby is dynamically typed, meaning variable types are determined at runtime. This allows for flexibility but requires careful attention to variable types during development.
  5. Gems: RubyGems is the package manager for Ruby. Developers use gems to share and distribute libraries and applications. The community-contributed gems significantly extend Ruby’s functionality.
  6. Ruby on Rails: Ruby on Rails, often referred to as Rails, is a popular web application framework written in Ruby. Created by David Heinemeier Hansson, Rails follows the convention over configuration (CoC) and don’t repeat yourself (DRY) principles, making web development more efficient.
  7. Metaprogramming: Ruby supports metaprogramming, allowing developers to write code that can modify or generate code during runtime. This flexibility enables concise and expressive programming constructs.
  8. Blocks and Procs: Ruby features blocks, which are chunks of code that can be passed to methods, enhancing flexibility and readability. Procs are objects that encapsulate blocks for reusability.
  9. Community: Ruby has a vibrant and active community of developers. Online forums, conferences, and meetups contribute to knowledge sharing and collaboration. The Ruby community values open-source development and shares a strong sense of community spirit.
  10. Interpreted Language: Ruby is typically interpreted, and its reference implementation, known as MRI (Matz’s Ruby Interpreter), executes code line by line. There are also alternative implementations, such as JRuby (runs on the Java Virtual Machine) and Rubinius (a bytecode interpreter).
  11. Concurrency: Ruby has native support for threads, but due to the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in the MRI, concurrent execution of multiple CPU-bound tasks may be limited. Strategies such as multi-process architectures or using alternative Ruby implementations can be explored for improved concurrency.
  12. Documentation: Ruby is well-documented, with the official Ruby documentation (Ruby-Doc) providing comprehensive information on the language and its standard library. Numerous books, tutorials, and online resources are available for learning Ruby.

Ruby’s combination of expressiveness, flexibility, and a supportive community has made it a popular choice for web development, scripting, and various other applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Ruby symbol?

In Ruby, a symbol is a lightweight and immutable data type that represents a unique identifier. Symbols are often used as labels or names for things in a Ruby program, such as keys in a hash or method names. They are created by placing a colon (:) before a sequence of characters, like :symbol_name.

2. What type of language is Ruby?

Ruby is a dynamically-typed, high-level, and object-oriented programming language. It is often categorized as a general-purpose scripting language, known for its simplicity, readability, and expressiveness. Ruby follows the principle of “optimizing developer happiness” and aims to provide an enjoyable and productive programming experience. The language supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming.

3. What is operator in Ruby?

In Ruby, an operator is a symbol that represents a computation or operation to be performed on one or more operands. Operators are fundamental to the language and are used in expressions to perform arithmetic, logical, and comparison operations.

4. How to use hash in Ruby?

In Ruby, a hash is a collection of key-value pairs, where each unique key is associated with a specific value. Hashes are commonly used to represent structured data and provide an efficient way to look up and store information.

Sireesha V

Published by
Sireesha V

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