
Java Interview Questions

Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems and released in 1995. It is known for its platform independence, which means that Java programs can run on any device with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java follows the “write once, run anywhere” philosophy, making it highly portable across different platforms.

Java is designed to be simple, reliable, and secure. It incorporates features like automatic memory management (garbage collection), strong typing, and a rich set of libraries, contributing to its popularity and widespread use in various domains.

Java Interview Questions For Freshers

1. What is Java?

Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems.

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

2. What are the differences between Java and C++?

Platform                 C++ is Platform DependentJava is Platform Independent
ApplicationC++ is mainly used for System ProgrammingJava is Mainly used for Application Programming
HardwareC++ is nearer to hardwareJava is not so interactive with hardware
Global ScopeC++ supports global and namespace scope.Java doesn’t support global scope.
Not Supporting                 Functionality supported in Java but not in C++ are:thread supportdocumentation commentunsigned right shift(>>>)Functionality supported in C++ but not in Java are:gotoPointersCall by referenceStructures and UnionsMultiple InheritanceVirtual Functions
OOPSC++ is an object-oriented language. It is not a single root hierarchy .Java is also an object-oriented language. It is a single root hierarchy as everything gets derived from a single class (java.lang.Object).
Inheritance TreeC++ always creates a new inheritance tree.Java uses a Single inheritance tree as classes in Java are the child of object classes in Java.

3. What is Java String Pool?

A Java String Pool is a place in heap memory where all the strings defined in the program are stored. A separate place in a stack is there where the variable storing the string is stored. Whenever we create a new string object, JVM checks for the presence of the object in the String pool, If String is available in the pool, the same object reference is shared with the variable, else a new object is created.

String str1="Hello";
// "Hello" will be stored in String Pool
// str1 will be stored in stack memory

4. What is the difference between public, private, protected, and default access modifiers in Java?

public: Accessible from any other class.

private: Accessible only within the class.

protected: Accessible within the same package or by subclasses.

default (no modifier): Accessible within the same package.

5. What is the purpose of the static keyword in Java?

static is used to create class-level variables and methods that can be accessed without creating an instance of the class.

6. Explain the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism?

Encapsulation: Bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit (class).

Inheritance: Acquiring the properties and behaviors of a parent class in a child class.

Polymorphism: The ability of a method to take multiple forms, either through method overloading or method overriding.

7. What is the significance of the final keyword in Java?

final is used to declare constants, make a method not overrideable, or make a class not inheritable.

8. What is an interface in Java? How does it differ from an abstract class?

An interface is a collection of abstract methods. It differs from an abstract class in that it cannot have method implementations or instance variables.

9. What is method overloading and method overriding? Provide examples.

Method Overloading: Method overloading in Java allows you to define multiple methods with the same name within the same class, but with different parameter lists. The compiler differentiates between these methods based on the number, type, and order of parameters. Method overloading is a form of compile-time polymorphism.

public class Calculator {

    // Method with two integer parameters
    public int add(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

    // Method with three integer parameters
    public int add(int a, int b, int c) {
        return a + b + c;

    // Method with two double parameters
    public double add(double a, double b) {
        return a + b;

    // Method with a different type of parameter
    public String add(String a, String b) {
        return a.concat(b);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Calculator calculator = new Calculator();

        System.out.println("Sum (int): " + calculator.add(3, 5));
        System.out.println("Sum (int, int, int): " + calculator.add(3, 5, 7));
        System.out.println("Sum (double): " + calculator.add(3.5, 5.2));
        System.out.println("Concatenation (String): " + calculator.add("Hello", " World"));

Method Overriding: Method overriding occurs when a subclass provides a specific implementation for a method that is already defined in its superclass. The overriding method in the subclass should have the same method signature (name, return type, and parameters) as the method in the superclass. Method overriding is a form of runtime polymorphism.

class Animal {
    public void makeSound() {
        System.out.println("Animal makes a sound");

class Dog extends Animal {
    // Method overriding
    public void makeSound() {
        System.out.println("Dog barks");

    // Additional method specific to Dog
    public void fetch() {
        System.out.println("Dog fetches the ball");

public class TestOverride {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Animal genericAnimal = new Animal();
        Animal myDog = new Dog();  // Polymorphic behavior

        genericAnimal.makeSound();  // Output: Animal makes a sound
        myDog.makeSound();          // Output: Dog barks

        // The following line would result in a compilation error
        // myDog.fetch();  // Error: fetch() is not defined in Animal class

10. What is the purpose of the try, catch, and finally blocks in Java?

try: Contains the code that might throw an exception.

catch: Catches and handles the exception thrown in the try block.

finally: Contains code that is executed regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not.

11. What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions? Provide examples.

Checked exceptions are checked at compile-time (e.g., IOException). Unchecked exceptions occur at runtime (e.g., NullPointerException).

12. Explain the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?

ArrayList uses a dynamic array to store elements, while LinkedList uses a doubly-linked list. Access time for ArrayList is constant, while it is linear for LinkedList.

13. What is the HashMap class in Java? How does it work?

HashMap is a collection class that implements the Map interface. It stores key-value pairs and uses hash codes for efficient retrieval.

14. What is the role of the main method in Java?

The main method is the entry point for a Java program. It is where the program starts executing.

15. How do you create and run a simple Java program?

Create a Java source file with a .java extension, write the code, compile it using javac, and run it using java.

16. Explain the concept of garbage collection in Java?

Garbage collection is the process of automatically reclaiming memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use.

17. What is the difference between String and StringBuilder in Java?

String is immutable, while StringBuilder is mutable. StringBuilder is more efficient when performing concatenation operations.

18. How do you handle user input in Java?

Use the Scanner class to read input from the console or other sources.

19. What is the difference between == and .equals() in Java?

== compares object references, while .equals() is a method used to compare the content/equality of objects.

20. What is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)?

JVM is an abstract machine that provides a runtime environment for Java applications. It interprets and executes Java bytecode.

21. What is the Observer design pattern?

The Observer pattern is a behavioral design pattern where an object, known as the subject, maintains a list of dependents, called observers, that are notified of any state changes, typically by calling one of their methods.

22. What is the purpose of the break and continue statements in Java?

The break statement is used to exit a loop or switch statement prematurely, and the continue statement is used to skip the rest of the loop’s code and move to the next iteration.

23. How do you create and use threads in Java?

Threads can be created by extending the Thread class or implementing the Runnable interface. The start() method is used to initiate the execution of a thread.

24. What is the purpose of the transient keyword in Java?

The transient keyword is used to indicate that a variable should not be serialized when the object is written to persistent storage.

25. Explain the principles of the SOLID design principles in Java?

SOLID is an acronym for Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion. These principles guide software design for maintainability and scalability.

Java Interview Questions For 3 Years Experience

1. What is the difference between List, Set, and Map in Java Collections?

List: An ordered collection that allows duplicate elements.

Set: An unordered collection that does not allow duplicate elements.

Map: A collection of key-value pairs.

2. Explain the volatile keyword in Java.?

volatile is used to indicate that a variable’s value may be changed by multiple threads simultaneously. It ensures that changes made by one thread are visible to other threads.

3. What is the purpose of the synchronized keyword in Java?

synchronized is used to control access to critical sections by multiple threads. It prevents multiple threads from executing a block of code simultaneously.

4. What is the super keyword used for in constructors?

super () is used to invoke the constructor of the superclass. It should be the first statement in a subclass constructor.

5. Explain the concept of Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java?

Autoboxing is the automatic conversion of primitive data types to their corresponding wrapper classes. Unboxing is the reverse process.

6. What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?

Abstraction is the process of hiding the implementation details and showing only essential features. Encapsulation is bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit.

7. How does the equals() method work? What considerations should be taken when overriding it?

The equals() method is used to compare the content/equality of objects. When overriding, ensure it follows the contract (reflexive, symmetric, transitive, and consistent).

8. Explain the concept of a static block in Java?

A static block is a block of code inside a class that is executed when the class is loaded into memory. It is used for one-time initialization.

9. What is the final keyword used for in Java?

The final keyword can be applied to variables, methods, and classes. It indicates that the variable cannot be changed, a method cannot be overridden, or a class cannot be extended.

10. Explain the difference between throws and throw in Java?

throws is used in method declarations to indicate that the method might throw certain exceptions. throw is used to explicitly throw an exception.

11. What is the difference between HashSet and TreeSet?

HashSet is an unordered collection that does not allow duplicate elements. TreeSet is a sorted set that stores elements in ascending order.

12. Explain the concept of the Comparator interface?

The Comparator interface is used to define a custom ordering for objects. It is often used with sorting operations in collections.

13. What is the Thread.sleep() method used for?

Thread.sleep() is used to pause the execution of the current thread for a specified number of milliseconds.

14. What is the difference between wait() and sleep() methods in Java?

wait() is a method of the Object class and is used for inter-thread communication. sleep() is a method of the Thread class and is used to introduce a delay.

15. Explain the concept of thread synchronization?

Thread synchronization ensures that multiple threads access shared resources in a coordinated manner to prevent data inconsistencies.

16. What is Inversion of Control (IoC) in the context of the Spring framework?

Inversion of Control is a design principle where the control flow of a program is inverted. In the context of Spring, it means that the framework manages the lifecycle and dependencies of application objects.

17. Explain the concept of Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring?

Dependency Injection is a design pattern used in Spring where the framework injects the dependent objects into a class, rather than the class creating the dependencies itself.

18. What is Hibernate, and how does it differ from JDBC?

Hibernate is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that simplifies database interactions in Java. Unlike JDBC, Hibernate maps Java objects to database tables and provides a higher-level, more object-oriented approach to database access.

19. What is the role of the ServletContext in a Java web application?

ServletContext provides information about the web application to the server and can be used for configuration, initialization, and resource sharing among servlets.

20. What is the difference between the forward and sendRedirect methods in servlets?

forward is used to forward the request to another resource on the server, while sendRedirect sends a redirect response to the client, asking it to request a new URL.

21. Explain the Singleton design pattern?

The Singleton design pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. It involves a private constructor and a static method to access the instance.

22. What is the Observer design pattern?

The Observer pattern is a behavioral design pattern where an object, known as the subject, maintains a list of dependents, called observers, that are notified of any state changes, typically by calling one of their methods.

23. Explain the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN in SQL?

INNER JOIN retrieves rows when there is a match in both tables. LEFT JOIN retrieves all rows from the left table and the matched rows from the right table.

24. What is normalization in the context of databases?

Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to eliminate redundancy and improve data integrity. It involves dividing large tables into smaller, related tables.

25. What is JUnit, and how is it used for testing in Java?

JUnit is a widely-used testing framework for Java. It provides annotations to identify test methods and assertions to verify expected outcomes.

26. Explain the concept of AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in Spring?

AOP is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns, such as logging or security, from the main business logic.

27. What is the purpose of the @Override annotation in Java?

@Override is used to indicate that a method in a subclass is intended to override a method in its superclass. It helps catch errors at compile-time if the method does not actually override a method in the superclass.

28. Explain the concept of a RESTful web service?

A RESTful web service is an architectural style for designing networked applications. It uses standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for communication and typically returns data in JSON or XML format.

These questions cover a broad range of Java and related technologies, reflecting the skills and knowledge expected from someone with around 3 years of experience.

Java Interview Questions For 5 Years Experience

1. Explain the principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and how they are applied in Java?

Discuss concepts like encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction, and provide examples of how they are implemented in Java.

2. What is the difference between HashSet and HashMap in Java Collections?

HashSet is an unordered collection of unique elements, and HashMap is a collection of key-value pairs with unique keys.

3. How does the try-with-resources statement work in Java?

try-with-resources is used for automatic resource management. It automatically closes resources (e.g., streams) that are opened in the try block.

4. Explain the concept of Generics in Java. Provide an example?

Generics in Java provide a way to create classes, interfaces, and methods that operate on different data types while maintaining type safety. The main advantage of generics is that it allows you to write code that is more flexible and reusable, while still catching type-related errors at compile time.

// Generic class definition
public class Box<T> {
    private T content;

    // Constructor
    public Box(T content) {
        this.content = content;

    // Getter
    public T getContent() {
        return content;

    // Setter
    public void setContent(T content) {
        this.content = content;

    // Method to display information about the content
    public void displayInfo() {
        System.out.println("Box contains: " + content.toString());

    // You can have other methods specific to the Box class as well

public class GenericsExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating a Box for Integer
        Box<Integer> intBox = new Box<>(42);

        // Creating a Box for String
        Box<String> stringBox = new Box<>("Hello, Generics!");

        // Creating a Box for Double
        Box<Double> doubleBox = new Box<>(3.14);

5. What are lambda expressions, and how are they used in Java?

Lambda expressions provide a concise way to express instances of single-method interfaces (functional interfaces). They are used primarily to define inline implementation of a functional interface.

6. Explain the difference between Runnable and Callable interfaces in Java?

Runnable is used for creating threads without returning a result, while Callable is used when you need to return a result and potentially throw exceptions.

7. What is the purpose of the volatile keyword in Java? Can it be used for synchronization?

volatile ensures that the variable’s value is always read from and written to the main memory, avoiding thread-specific caching. While it provides atomicity for reads and writes, it does not provide atomicity for compound actions like increment.

8. Explain the concept of reflection in Java?

Reflection allows inspecting and manipulating classes, interfaces, fields, methods, and other types of entities at runtime. It is used for tools, debugging, and frameworks.

9. What are annotations in Java, and how are they used?

Annotations provide metadata about a program that can be processed at compile-time or runtime. Examples include @Override, @Deprecated, and custom annotations.

10. Explain the difference between Spring MVC and Spring Boot?

Spring MVC is a framework for building web applications, while Spring Boot is an extension of the Spring framework that simplifies the setup and development of Spring-based applications.

11. Explain the concept of Hibernate caching?

Hibernate caching is a mechanism to store and reuse previously fetched data. It can be applied at different levels, including first-level cache (session-level) and second-level cache (across sessions).

12. What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol for transmitting data on the internet, while HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secure version that encrypts the data for secure communication.

13. Explain the concept of a RESTful web service and how it differs from SOAP?

RESTful web services use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for communication and typically return data in JSON or XML format. SOAP is a protocol that defines a set of rules for structuring messages.

14. Explain the Singleton design pattern. Provide examples of its implementation?

The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. Implementation involves a private constructor and a static method to access the instance.

15. What is the Observer design pattern? How is it implemented in Java?

The Observer pattern is a behavioral design pattern where an object, known as the subject, maintains a list of dependents, called observers, that are notified of any state changes, typically by calling one of their methods.

16. Explain the concept of Connection Pooling in Java?

Connection pooling is a technique used to manage and reuse database connections, reducing the overhead of opening and closing connections for each database operation.

17. What is the purpose of the GROUP BY clause in SQL?

The GROUP BY clause is used to group rows that have the same values in specified columns into summary rows, like finding the total sales for each product category.

18. How does indexing improve database performance?

Indexing improves database performance by providing a fast access path to the data. It allows the database engine to locate and retrieve rows more efficiently.

19. What is the purpose of JUnit in Java? How is it used for testing?

JUnit is a widely-used testing framework for Java. It provides annotations to identify test methods and assertions to verify expected outcomes.

20. Explain the concept of mocking in unit testing?

Mocking is the process of creating objects that simulate the behavior of real objects. It is used to isolate and test specific components without involving the entire system.

21. Explain the concept of AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in Spring?

AOP is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns, such as logging or security, from the main business logic.

22. How do you optimize the performance of a Java application?

Performance optimization involves profiling, identifying bottlenecks, optimizing algorithms, using efficient data structures, and addressing memory leaks. Tools like Java Profiler and monitoring tools can assist in the process.

23. What is AWS, and how can Java applications be deployed on AWS?

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing platform. Java applications can be deployed on AWS using services like Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) or AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

These questions cover a broad spectrum of topics relevant to a candidate with around 5 years of experience in Java development. Be prepared to discuss your practical experiences, problem-solving skills, and the application of these concepts in real-world scenarios.

Key Features Of Java Include

  1. Platform Independence: Java programs are compiled into an intermediate form called bytecode, which can be executed on any device with a compatible JVM. This “write once, run anywhere” principle makes Java highly portable.
  2. Object-Oriented: Java follows an object-oriented programming paradigm, where software is organized into objects that represent real-world entities. It supports features like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  3. Automatic Memory Management: Java uses a garbage collector to automatically manage memory, freeing developers from manual memory management tasks such as deallocating memory.
  4. Security: Java has built-in security features to protect against various security threats. The Java Virtual Machine enforces security at the bytecode level.
  5. Rich Standard Library: Java comes with a comprehensive standard library that provides a wide range of APIs for tasks such as file handling, networking, database connectivity, and more.
  6. Multi-threading Support: Java supports multi-threading, allowing developers to create concurrent and parallel applications.
  7. Community Support: Java has a large and active developer community, contributing to its ecosystem with libraries, frameworks, and tools. It is widely used in enterprise applications, mobile development (Android), and web development.

Java is used in a variety of applications, including web development, mobile app development, enterprise systems, scientific applications, and more. It has remained popular over the years due to its versatility, reliability, and portability across different platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is OOPs in Java interview?

In a Java interview, when the term “OOPs” is used, it typically refers to Object-Oriented Programming concepts. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of “objects,” which can encapsulate data and behavior. Java is an object-oriented programming language, and understanding OOP principles is crucial for Java developers.

2. What are 4 types of OOPs?

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is based on four main principles, often referred to as the “Four Pillars of OOP.” These principles guide the design and implementation of software in an object-oriented paradigm. The four types or pillars of OOP are: Encapsulation,Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction.

3. What is Java used for?

Java is a versatile and widely-used programming language that finds application in various domains and types of software development. Here are some common uses of Java: Web Development, Enterprise Applications, Mobile Applications, Desktop Applications, Middleware Products,Embedded Systems, Cloud-Based Applications, Big Data Technologies, Scientific and Research Applications, Game Development, Educational Purposes.

4. Why is Java called OOPs?

Java is often referred to as an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language because it is designed and built based on the principles of Object-Oriented Programming. The key characteristics of OOP are encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction, and Java incorporates these principles into its core structure.

5. What is constructor in Java?

In Java, a constructor is a special type of method that is used to initialize objects. It is called when an object of a class is created, and it has the same name as the class. The primary purpose of a constructor is to set initial values for the object’s attributes or perform any necessary setup tasks.

Sireesha V

Published by
Sireesha V

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