
Angular Interview Questions

Angular is a popular open-source web application framework developed by Google. It is written in TypeScript and enables developers to build dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs) with a modular and maintainable structure. Angular follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, providing a comprehensive set of tools and libraries for building robust front-end applications.

One of Angular’s key features is its two-way data binding, which synchronizes the model and view automatically, reducing the need for boilerplate code and enhancing the development workflow. Angular also supports dependency injection, allowing components to be easily testable and promoting code reusability. With a rich set of built-in directives, Angular simplifies the process of handling DOM manipulation and event handling. Its extensive ecosystem and community support make Angular a powerful choice for developers aiming to create scalable and interactive web applications.

Angular Interview Questions For Freshers

1. What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source web application framework developed by Google for building dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs) using TypeScript.

// app.component.ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
    <h1>Welcome to Angular!</h1>
    <p>{{ message }}</p>
  styles: [`
    h1 {
      color: #369;
export class AppComponent {
  message = 'This is a basic Angular application.';

2. Explain Two-way Data Binding in Angular?

Two-way data binding in Angular means that changes in the model automatically update the view, and vice versa.

3. What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features to enhance code maintainability and developer productivity.

// Defining a simple interface
interface Person {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  age: number;

// Creating a function that accepts a parameter adhering to the Person interface
function greet(person: Person): string {
  return `Hello, ${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}! You are ${person.age} years old.`;

// Creating an object that conforms to the Person interface
const johnDoe: Person = {
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe',
  age: 30,

// Using the greet function
const greeting: string = greet(johnDoe);

4. Explain the Angular CLI?

The Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that simplifies the development process by automating tasks such as project setup, configuration, and code generation.

5. What is Angular Module?

An Angular module is a container for organizing and managing components, directives, services, and other application features. It helps in organizing the application into cohesive blocks.

// app.module.ts

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

6. What is Angular Directive?

Angular directives are markers on a DOM element that tell Angular to attach a specified behavior to that element or transform the DOM.

7. Explain Dependency Injection in Angular?

Dependency Injection in Angular is a design pattern where a class receives its dependencies from an external source rather than creating them itself. It helps in writing more modular and testable code.

8. What is Angular Component?

An Angular component is a basic building block of an Angular application, representing a part of the UI with its own logic and data.

9. What is ngModel in Angular?

ngModel is a directive in Angular used for two-way data binding. It binds the value of an HTML control (like input) to a property on the Angular component.

// Import the necessary module
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

  imports: [FormsModule],
  // other module metadata...
export class AppModule { }

10. Explain Angular Services?

Angular services are singleton objects that are used to organize and share code and data across the application.

11. What is Angular Routing?

Angular Routing is a mechanism for navigating between different components in an Angular application. It helps in creating Single Page Applications (SPAs).

12. What are Angular Pipes?

Pipes in Angular are used for transforming and formatting data before displaying it in the view.

13. Explain Angular Decorators?

Decorators in Angular are functions that modify the behavior of classes or properties. They are used to define and configure Angular entities.

14. What is the purpose of ngOnInit()?

ngOnInit() is a lifecycle hook in Angular that is called after the component has been initialized. It is commonly used for initialization logic.

15. What is Angular Expression Syntax?

Angular expression syntax is used in double curly braces {{ }} to bind data from the component to the view.

16. What is the purpose of ngFor?

ngFor is a directive in Angular used for rendering a list of items in the template by iterating over them.

17. Explain Angular Interpolation?

Angular interpolation is a way to bind expressions to the view by using double curly braces {{ }}.

18. What is Angular ViewChild?

@ViewChild is a decorator in Angular used to get a reference to a child component or DOM element from the parent component.

19. What is Angular ng-container?

ng-container is a structural directive in Angular that does not create any DOM element. It is used for grouping elements without introducing extra elements to the DOM.

20. What is the role of RouterModule?

RouterModule is used for setting up the Angular Router and configuring navigation between different components.

21. Explain the concept of Lazy Loading in Angular?

Lazy Loading is a technique in Angular where modules are loaded on-demand, improving the initial loading time of the application.

22. What is Angular NgZone?

NgZone is a service in Angular that helps to run code outside of the Angular zone, preventing unnecessary change detection.

23. What is Angular HttpClient used for?

HttpClient is used in Angular for making HTTP requests to a server and handling the response.

24. What is the purpose of trackBy in ngFor?

trackBy is used in *ngFor to improve the performance of list rendering by providing a unique identifier for each item.

25. Explain Angular Directives ngIf and ngSwitch?

ngIf is a structural directive that conditionally adds or removes elements from the DOM, and ngSwitch is a directive for conditionally displaying content based on the match of a value.

26. What is Angular TestBed used for?

TestBed is a utility in Angular for configuring and creating instances of services, components, and modules for testing purposes.

27. What is Angular Reactive Forms?

Reactive Forms is a technique in Angular for building forms using reactive programming principles, allowing for more dynamic and complex forms.

28. Explain Angular Observables?

Observables are a powerful tool in Angular for handling asynchronous operations and events. They provide support for handling multiple values over time.

// Import the necessary RxJS elements
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class DataService {

  // Simulate an asynchronous operation that returns data
  getData(): Observable<string[]> {
    const data: string[] = ['Angular', 'RxJS', 'Observables'];
    return of(data); // Convert an array to an Observable

29. What is the purpose of Angular ng-content?

ng-content is a way to project content from the parent component into the child component, allowing for flexible component composition.

30. What are Angular Guards?

Angular Guards are used to control the navigation flow in an Angular application by implementing logic to allow or deny the navigation to a particular route.

Angular Interview Questions For Experience

1. Explain the key differences between AngularJS and Angular.

Angular is a complete rewrite of AngularJS, with differences in architecture, performance, and language (Angular is written in TypeScript).

2. What are Angular services and why are they used in applications?

Angular services are singleton objects used for code organization and sharing data/functions across components. They promote modularity and maintainability.

3. How does change detection work in Angular?

Angular uses a mechanism called Zone.js for change detection. It detects changes in the application state and updates the DOM accordingly.

4. Explain Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation in Angular?

AOT compilation is the process of translating Angular templates to JavaScript during the build phase. It improves runtime performance and eliminates template parsing at runtime.

5. What is the role of the Angular Compiler in the development process?

The Angular Compiler transforms Angular templates and components into JavaScript code that can be executed by browsers.

6. How would you optimize the performance of an Angular application?

Performance optimization in Angular involves AOT compilation, lazy loading, using trackBy in *ngFor, optimizing RxJS subscriptions, and employing efficient change detection strategies.

7. Explain the concept of Angular Dependency Injection (DI) hierarchy?

Angular DI hierarchy determines the order in which services are injected. If a service is not available in the component’s injector, Angular looks up the hierarchy until it finds a provider.

8. What is the purpose of the async pipe in Angular?

The async pipe in Angular subscribes to an Observable or Promise and automatically updates the view when the data is emitted or resolved.

9. How do you handle authentication in Angular applications?

Authentication in Angular is often handled using services like Angular’s HttpClient to communicate with authentication APIs. JWT (JSON Web Tokens) are commonly used for secure token-based authentication.

10. Explain the concept of NgRx in Angular and its benefits?

NgRx is a state management library for Angular applications, based on Redux principles. It provides a predictable state container for managing application state in a scalable way.

11. What is the role of Angular Resolver?

Angular Resolver pre-fetches data before activating a route. It ensures that the component is only instantiated after the required data is available.

// user.service.ts

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';

export interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;

  providedIn: 'root'
export class UserService {
  getUserById(userId: number): Observable<User> {
    // Simulating fetching user data from a server
    const user: User = { id: userId, name: 'John Doe' };
    return of(user);

12. How does Angular handle forms, and what are the different form types in Angular?

Angular provides both Template-driven forms and Reactive forms. Template-driven forms use directives in the template, while Reactive forms use a form model in the component.

13. Explain the concept of Angular ViewEncapsulation?

ViewEncapsulation is a mechanism in Angular that encapsulates styles to prevent them from leaking outside the component. It provides three encapsulation strategies: Emulated, Native, and None.

14. How would you implement lazy loading in Angular?

Lazy loading in Angular involves creating feature modules and configuring the router to load them on demand using the loadChildren property.

15. What is the purpose of Angular ngZone?

NgZone is used to explicitly run code outside or inside the Angular zone. It is useful for managing performance and avoiding unnecessary change detection.

import { Component, NgZone } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
    <h1>{{ message }}</h1>
    <button (click)="updateMessage()">Update Message</button>
export class AppComponent {
  message: string = 'Initial Message';

  constructor(private ngZone: NgZone) {}

  updateMessage(): void {
    // Run the code inside Angular's zone => {
      this.message = 'Updated Message';

16. Explain Angular Universal and its use cases?

Angular Universal is a technology for server-side rendering (SSR) of Angular applications. It improves performance, SEO, and provides a better user experience.

17. What is the purpose of the ActivatedRoute service in Angular?

ActivatedRoute is a service in Angular that provides information about the route activated at that particular instant. It is used to access route parameters and query parameters.

18. How do you handle errors in Angular HTTP requests?

Errors in Angular HTTP requests can be handled using the catchError operator in RxJS. It allows developers to gracefully handle errors and provide fallback mechanisms.

19. Explain Angular ViewChild and ContentChild?

ViewChild is used to get a reference to a child component or element, while ContentChild is used to get a reference to a projected content child within a component.

20. How does Angular support Internationalization (i18n)?

Angular provides i18n support for internationalization. Developers can use the ng xi18n command to extract translatable messages, and translation files can be generated for different languages.

21. What is Angular Directive and how is it different from a component?

Directives in Angular are used to add behavior to elements in the DOM. While components are directives with a template, directives do not have a view of their own.

22. Explain the role of Angular Guards and their types?

Angular Guards are used for controlling the navigation flow. Types include CanActivate, CanActivateChild, CanDeactivate, and CanLoad.

23. How would you handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issues in Angular?

CORS issues can be handled by configuring the server to include the appropriate CORS headers or by using a proxy server. In Angular, the HttpClient module can be configured with CORS headers.

24. What is the purpose of Angular ng-content?

ng-content is used for content projection, allowing the insertion of content from a parent component into a designated slot in a child component.

25. Explain Angular ngIf and ngSwitch directives?

ngIf is a structural directive that conditionally adds or removes elements based on a condition. ngSwitch is used for conditionally displaying content based on multiple possible values.

26. How does Angular handle route guards for lazy-loaded modules?

Lazy-loaded modules can have their own route guards. These guards are defined in the module and are executed when the module is loaded.

27. What are Angular Schematics, and how can they be useful?

Angular Schematics are code generators that can be used to scaffold out boilerplate code, making it easier to follow best practices and maintain consistency across projects.

28. How does Angular support Server-Sent Events (SSE)?

Angular supports SSE through the EventSource API. Developers can use the EventSource class to establish a connection with the server and receive updates in real-time.

29. Explain the purpose of Angular Testing utilities like TestBed and ComponentFixture?

TestBed is used to configure and create instances of services, components, and modules for testing. ComponentFixture is a utility for interacting with and inspecting the state of a component during testing.

30. How would you implement a custom validator in Angular Reactive Forms?

Custom validators in Angular can be implemented by creating a function that returns a validation error if the condition is not met. This function can then be added to the form control using the Validators class.

Angular Developers Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of Angular developers can vary based on the size and requirements of the project, as well as the specific role within the development team. Here is a general overview of the typical roles and responsibilities of Angular developers:

  1. Understanding Requirements: Collaborate with stakeholders, including business analysts and product owners, to understand and gather requirements for Angular applications.
  2. Front-End Development: Develop and implement user interfaces for web applications using Angular framework. Create reusable components and modules that adhere to best practices for maintainability and scalability.
  3. Coding and Testing: Write clean, well-documented, and efficient code using TypeScript and HTML/CSS. Conduct unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing to ensure the reliability and quality of Angular applications.
  4. Application Architecture: Contribute to the architectural decisions and design of Angular applications. Follow best practices for structuring and organizing Angular projects.
  5. State Management: Implement and manage state in Angular applications using tools like NgRx or Angular services. Handle application state in a scalable and maintainable way.
  6. API Integration: Integrate Angular applications with backend APIs and services using Angular’s HttpClient module or other HTTP libraries. Handle asynchronous operations and manage data flow between the frontend and backend.
  7. Optimization and Performance: Optimize the performance of Angular applications, including lazy loading, AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation, and efficient change detection strategies. Identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.
  8. Security Considerations: Implement security best practices, including input validation, protection against XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks, and secure communication with backend services.
  9. Collaboration and Communication: Work collaboratively with UX/UI designers to implement responsive and visually appealing user interfaces. Communicate effectively with team members and stakeholders, providing updates on progress and addressing feedback.
  10. Continuous Learning: Stay updated on the latest Angular features, best practices, and industry trends. Share knowledge and mentor other team members.
  11. Version Control: Use version control systems (e.g., Git) for code collaboration and maintain a clean and well-documented code repository.
  12. Build and Deployment: Participate in the build and deployment processes, ensuring smooth releases of Angular applications. Understand and use tools like Angular CLI for project setup and management.
  13. Troubleshooting and Debugging: Troubleshoot and debug issues in Angular applications, utilizing browser developer tools and other debugging techniques.
  14. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ensure cross-browser compatibility of Angular applications by testing and addressing issues in various browsers.
  15. Accessibility: Implement accessibility best practices to ensure that Angular applications are usable by individuals with disabilities.

These responsibilities may vary depending on the specific requirements of the project and the team structure. Angular developers are expected to have a strong understanding of web development concepts, expertise in Angular framework, and the ability to contribute to the overall success of the project.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is difficult in Angular?

Angular is a powerful and feature-rich front-end framework, but like any technology, developers may face challenges or find certain aspects more challenging. Here are some aspects of Angular that developers might find challenging: Learning Curve, Boilerplate Code, Complexity for Small Projects,
Angular CLI Commands, Performance Implications, RxJS Complexity, Steep TypeScript Adoption, Dynamic Forms and Templating.

2.What is lazy in Angular?

In the context of Angular, “lazy” typically refers to the concept of lazy loading, which is a technique used to load parts of an application only when they are needed, rather than loading the entire application upfront. Lazy loading can significantly improve the initial loading time of an application, especially for large and complex projects.

3. How to bind two components in Angular?

Input Binding:One-way data binding can be achieved by using input properties. In this scenario, data flows from a parent component to a child component. The child component can receive data through its @Input decorator.
Output Binding (Event Emitter):To communicate changes from a child component to a parent component, you can use output properties with EventEmitter. The child component emits events that the parent component can listen to.

4. What is interpolation in Angular?

In Angular, interpolation is a way to embed expressions or variables into the HTML template. It allows you to dynamically bind values from your component to the view, making the data flow from the component to the template. Interpolation is denoted by double curly braces {{ ... }} in the template.

Sireesha V

Published by
Sireesha V

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